On this channel you might find your peer. Your soulmate, the one that are like you. The person that goes beyond the ordinary. With the ambition to create outstanding experiences they are ready to give that extra again and again. Here you will find people that not only talk but also delivers holistic sustainable results. Those that can be a guiding light for all of us to follow. To create not only a good but a great world for the many.
with Chef Daniel Berlin in Skåne Tranås
Daniel Berlin Krog in Skåne Tranås, Österlen, the lush part of the Sweden´s southernmost region Skåne, which is sometimes referred to as Sweden’s Toscana. Hunting for the perfect ingredient is the passion of Daniel Berlin. He prefers to prowl his immediate surroundings for high quality produce. The ability to pack his dishes with natural flavours, often dramatically simplistic in their construction and yet full of surprises and clever twists – that’s his signature. International fame – and awards – is now bestowed on this chef who hasn’t even turned thirty. Meet Daniel and his team and hear what he has to say about quality and how to improve.
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