On this channel you might find your peer. Your soulmate, the one that are like you. The person that goes beyond the ordinary. With the ambition to create outstanding experiences they are ready to give that extra again and again. Here you will find people that not only talk but also delivers holistic sustainable results. Those that can be a guiding light for all of us to follow. To create not only a good but a great world for the many.
with Designer Alfredo Häberli in Zürich
Designer Alfredo Häberli uses the human being as the starting point of his design process. His curiousness and studies in everyday life brings a strong expression to his design. The objects and projects are designed to be used and does not create form for the sake of it. He uses his own experiences, daily life, childhood, observations and thoughts while developing ideas and designs for his products. Alfredo’s work and designs have been shown in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe and he has received many awards for his work during the past 16 years. Let´s meet Alfredo and hear how manages to unite tradition with innovation, joy and energy into his designs.
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