On this channel you might find your peer. Your soulmate, the one that are like you. The person that goes beyond the ordinary. With the ambition to create outstanding experiences they are ready to give that extra again and again. Here you will find people that not only talk but also delivers holistic sustainable results. Those that can be a guiding light for all of us to follow. To create not only a good but a great world for the many.
with Chef Rasmus Munk at Alchemist in Copenhagen
Chef Rasmus Munk is serving “the holistic cusine”. His restaurant the two Michelin starred Alchemist is a 360 degree fine dining-meets-art-project in Copenhagen. Alchemist is magical just like a parallel journey through a unique physical spaces as well as through your own senses. The aim is to transform and transcend the nature of food and dining. Let´s meet Rasmus and hear more about how they focus beyond the plate.
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